Alaska Specific
- Alaska Birdhouse Construction
- Birding Trip To Nome, Alaska
- Homer Shorebird Festival
- Kenai National Wildlife Refuge
- Kenai Birding Festival
General Birding
- A to Z for Birders
- ABA: American Birding Association
- Birding Forum – The Net’s Largest Birding Community Dedicated To Wild Birds
- Birding Site by two Danish birders and brothers, Ulrik and Christian Svane.
- The Fatbirder (UK) Birding Webring is a collection of quality birding web sites that are based in the United Kingdom. Visit the webring homepage for more information, or click here to add your site to the ring.
- Project FeederWatch: Cornell Lab of Ornithology: 1-800-843-2473 feederwatch information
- USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center
- World wide birding and lots of information
- eBird
- Cornell Lab of Ornithology